With different weather comes a different skin problem. Our facial skin is extremely sensitive and delicate. Hence why it goes through various changes and in the process gets exposed to different weather, harsh chemicals, dust, pollution, etc. Just like any other normal person our skin also needs some time to get adapted to certain climatic conditions. Be it cold or hot, every season comes with different factors and affects our skin differently.

When it comes to summers it’s all about sweat and excess oil production but when we talk about winters it’s actually the opposite. During winters our skin tends to get all dry and cracky especially around the areas that are often exposed to the cold air. It loses all the moisture and elasticity making it appear dull and dry. And extreme dryness is also one of the major reasons for the acne problem. However, you can take some precautions to avoid your skin from getting all dry by following a proper routine.


Be it cold or hot, the most basic rule to ensure a healthy skin is to hydrate yourself really well. It not only helps to combat acne problems but also helps in preparing the skin for harsh cold weather by keeping it all moist and supple. You should drink water as much as you would do in the summers. As with all the chores, exercise our body does, it tends to lose some of its water level. So it’s really important to hydrate yourself.


Moisturizing your skin is extremely important as it keeps your skin from getting all dry and flaky. It provides the needed moisture to the skin and makes it look winter-ready. But with that, you also need to make sure that the moisturizer or cream you are using suits your skin type and is serving the purpose. Light moisturizers and creams may not work the best during winters as it doesn’t moist the skin well enough. Hence why heavy creams and moisturizers are the safest bet as they provide the right amount of moisture and hydration to the skin.


Although it may be cold but that doesn’t mean the sun won’t be in its best state and won’t cause any damage to your skin. Whether it’s winter or summer those harmful UV rays can cause some serious damage to the skin. Especially when it has snowed, 80% of UV rays reflect on it. So it’s always wise to apply sunscreen before stepping out of your house. It will not only protect you from skin problems but will also help in preventing a deadly disease called skin caller.


As we all know, what we eat basically shows on our faces. So eating healthy and the right diet is the key to achieving healthy skin. A right diet provides all the required nutrients and moisture to the skin.

You should add certain food in your diet that are rich in healthy oil like nuts, coconut, butter, olive oil, etc. and also some food that contains antioxidants like beets, pepper and berries, as they reduce the chances of skin damage.


Washing face is an essential part of any skincare routine. But what is important that you use the right cleanser. Using harsh cleansers can not only irritate the skin but can also cause itchiness and redness.

Always use a mild cleanser when it comes to washing your face. Face washes that are free of alcohol and sulfates work the best during winters. Rest it also depends on your skin type, so always consider your options before purchasing any cleanser.

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