Collagen happens to be the most abundant protein in our body that has a lot of responsibilities to take care of. For obvious reasons, we need a regular intake of protein-rich foods for our body to make collagen for itself. Supplements could be an option, yes, but that is a lifelong commitment and prolonged consumption is harmful. It is always a wise option to turn to healthy eating habits when you are struggling with some deficiency. Here, some food options have been listed to help inculcate protein in your diet.

Regular intake of these foods will over time build more collagen, leaving you with bright and younger-looking skin.


  1. Berries

The colorful berries like cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, raisins, and strawberries give a more citrusy factor that is needed by the body daily. A sufficient dosage of Vitamin C is very important as the element plays a vital role in the production of collagen. This tasty source of vitamins and minerals will help your skin look plump and aging will not be a hindrance.

Ways to have berries: raw, juiced, smoothies, cakes, pancakes, etc.


  1. Bone Broth

The broth cooked from the bone of cattle, lamb, or chicken provides a rich source of amino acids that will transform your protein intake to a whole new level. It will give you a tasty source of protein and help you get leaner. The healthy fats will add up to the radiance on your face. They need some time to be made, though. However, it is always nice to look towards the homemade option because what if the nutritional value of the store-bought broth isn’t up to the mark?

Ways to have bone broth: soup, stew, noodles, etc.

Bone Broth

  1. Beans

Beans are a well-known source of protein. Legumes are versatile, both the green cover and the seeds are actively used in cooking across the world. There are plenty of varieties to choose from. Apart from the supply of protein, which will be converted into amino acids by the body, they are also rich in copper which makes an essential ingredient in building red blood cells and tissues.

Ways to have beans: stir fry, stew, noodles, soup, hummus, etc.


  1. Greens

Greens just make their way to every list suggesting health or health-related things. They are such superfoods that contain a myriad of vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in the upkeep of various functions in the body. The leafy greens are, again, rich in Vitamin C which forms an important component in the production of collagen, and keeps your skin tightened.

Ways to have leafy greens: sandwiches, stews, smoothies, sauteed, etc.


  1. Garlic

The great little food items in our kitchen pantry not only are major taste enhancer but is also great ingredient for the blood. It improves the consistency of the blood and provides sulfur that prevents the breaking up of collagen (that happens with aging and environmental stress). This little ingredient is a superfood in itself that has been consumed for ages for its blood-purifying properties.

Ways to have garlic: stews, stir fry, confit, sandwiches, noodles, pasta, soups, garnishing, etc.


With the 3B’s and 2G’s in your system, you can be assured that your regular protein intake is sufficient. Yes, you can not take protein-rich foods in excess, just the amount that you need. They are tasty, fun, and aromatic to melt your heart in no time. With collagen, you will also get healthy fats which will boost HDL in your bloodstream. The items mentioned are also effective against infections because you will feel strong from within.

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