Cold weather is a hard journey to cross and come out accomplished. The weather takes a toll on the body’s immunity as the challenge of getting caught in the cold is always high and the shivering makes us run for the pretty bedsheets all the time. As a result, people get lazy and they begin to procrastinate on the usual routine that has helped them through the rest of the year. Hygiene is a big issue that gets ignored during the winter season. Though there is much less sun and the oxidization is minimum, a variety of viruses love the cold and multiply in favorable temperatures. We get sick because we ignore and our skin and hair begin to suffer.
So there must be some tactic to get through extreme cold weather without compromising on hygiene part. Here are some tips that might help you.
- Exfoliating Every Week
Getting your skin cleaned once in a while is a good idea to help your skin’s top layer to turnover. With all the woolen layering and the blankets covering us, our skin’s moisture gets soaked up which leaves our skin looking dry and flaky. Much of the dead skin gets collected in layers on our skin for a long time as we don’t change woolen layers so often. This is a major barrier to hygiene and hence, harmful to the skin.
- Take Help From Steam Bath
Steam bath is a comforting experience for people looking to promote overall skin health. It is therapeutic too, in addition to taking the dead cells out when you rub it off effectively post-bath. Now if you are lazy or it is hard to gather the courage to have a full-blown shower, a steam bath will save you, it will slowly relax you. You can do the cleansing with a towel and scrub off the excess. Thereafter you can quickly wash off the dirt with hot water and moisture!
- Damp Towels
Damp towels and hand towels can help you in multiple ways. You can quickly hydrate your drying skin, wash your face while you give it a little scrub too, you can use the same as a gentle exfoliator, and also get yourself a hot damp towel to escape the cold post-bath. So, having one readily available works out a myriad of things which is why a winter lazy person can be sorted well enough. Remember to not skip those facial sessions just because it is too cold outside.
- Soak Your Clothes in the Sun
We know that seeing the sun is one event of a rarity when winter arrives. This also means that the essential cleansing of the atmosphere is absent. When the surroundings are covered in snow, the bacteria is preserved and doesn’t get killed by the sun. In such cases, you would need to be extra active to get your clothes cleaned and let them soak in the sun fully dry. Also, if you are going a little laidback, at least hand your used ones (that you intend to wear again!).
Procrastination is a big spoiler here. You would have a big pile of clothes needing your attention to get cleaned and you would still say no to them. When the sun is rare, you can’t afford to miss the chance. So you have to make a little effort on your end first, take the initiative and get little things done every day. For instance, you can jot down your routine things and distribute them evenly throughout the week. So you don’t feel the burden but still, mark the day as productive. Then, these tips will help you get your hygiene in check when getting out of bed becomes a huge task in itself!