About to commence your college as a freshman or still figuring out what all to carry in your bag. There are some essentials which can be added to your college essentials list so that you have everything you need in your bag.
Of course, there are many things which you consider as essential and would want to add to your bag. But make sure you carry all these essentials we’ve listed below so that you can have a day with zero worries.
The most essential thing to carry is a laptop. You wouldn’t want to go to your college without a laptop. It comes in handy when taking some notes or when you want to get your online assignments or study done between your classes. While some professors don’t allow the use of a laptop, some don’t care as long as you are taking the notes. Using a laptop can also help in increasing your productivity as it keeps us engaged whether for doing some college-related work or for entertainment purposes in the break provided between the classes.
Like I said before, not all professors allow the use of a laptop in their class. This is when binders or notebook comes in handy as you can easily write down the notes on them. It maintains all your homework, notes, and everything else you might need in college. It especially is the best option for those who attend a math class as taking math notes on a laptop isn’t quite simple.
While a notebook comes with a very limited use of it, a binder on the other hand, is more functional. As you can always add more pages to it and arrange it in a more organized way.
You can never go wrong with having a planner in your bag. When noting down those important dates for the submission of an assignment or a project, it becomes a convenient option. People who tend to forget things subconsciously find it easy to use as it keeps everything in order and more organized.
The planner also comes in a pocket-sized version, which is very easy to carry and use. And they are available in many different patterns to choose from.
The most important thing to carry in your bag is a hand sanitizer. With all those different classes, our hands tend to get in touch with many different things which may not be at their best hygienic state. And sometimes bathrooms run out of soap so it always comes in handy to get those germs away.
With all those juggling between the classes, one tends to get a little thirsty. And it’s important to keep yourself hydrated well to survive the day. So always carry either a reusable water bottle or a travel mug to quench your thirst.
Always customize your emergency kit with all the necessities which comes in handy during all those unforeseen crisis. It can be a lifesaver on some occasions and you will be thanking yourself for carrying it with you. Few items like tampons or pads, safety pins, band-aids, prescription medication or medicines for general pains, cold and flu, and extra cash can be added in this kit. As you never know when they can be needed, so it’s always good to keep yourself prepared for any crisis beforehand. Apart from these things you can add a few more items that you feel can be needed during an emergency.
There are many more items which you can add in your college essentials list, which is completely a personal choice. We have just made it a little easier for you by naming a few items which you may find very useful when in college.